Friday, January 16, 2009


That's right! This is post number 100 for me! I can't believe I've had something uninteresting or interesting to say 100 times! I was waiting for something eventful or poignant to fill this 100th post, but I decided that that was not my real motivation for the blog. The blog was designed for me to share my life with the world; not just the intriguing parts of my life, but my life, blemishes and all. Thus I'll use this post to address what blogging has meant to me.

I heard it once said that the best part of friendship is that we have the opportunity to bear witness to one another's life. I love this! I love stories, I love to know what is going on in other people's world. I love to tell stories, read stories, live stories, watch stories. Storytelling is a most important art in my world. In fact I have a wall hanging that reads "Home is where your story begins." How very me! So this blog has been a way for me to share my stories with the world, perhaps even the beginnings of the my novel-to-be. Thank you readers for delving into my world of stories!

This blog has also served as a form of prayer. It is here I've born witness to the ways in which God has worked in my life. It is here I have cried out for wisdom, peace, guidance. It is here that I've cataloged my spiritual journey. Thank you for praying with me and for me!

It is here that I've processed life. If you weren't aware, I'm an external processor. Everything I'm thinking about or struggling with has to be talked through. Even before I wrote my essays in college I had to explain what I was going to say to my mom or husband. Blogging has been a sounding board for my thoughts, a place to vent or think through the events of my world. Thank you for letting me process with you!

I guess I just want to thank you for taking this journey with me, for listening to the ramblings of this English teacher. Here's to another one hundred more!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Home sweet home

I know this is the long awaited post. It seems like an eternity ago that I posted pictures from our first night in the house. Since then there's been painting, packing, moving, unpacking, organizing, and finally the feeling of settled! I'm so happy to feel settled before starting school tomorrow; I can't imagine trying to teach and still deal with the house. Of course there's now tons more space to clean, but we're so happy to be home. SO I'll post all of the before pictures (with the original owner's stuff in it and sans paint) and the after pictures (taken with all of our stuff and paint colors filling the house.) The after pictures were taken today and also include me with my newly cut hair. I donated to locks of love yesterday in memory of Aunt Kelly. I think she'd like the hair and the house. :-)

So here we go! Before:

Sorry they aren't in order (blogger hates me today!) The following are pictures of the painting crew and the house after moving. Enjoy!

The last two are from earlier on in the house buying process, but they give a pretty good view of the front of the house. Suffice it to say, we are SO excited to have each of you over. I can't wait to cook for you in my new kitchen and Herb can't wait to play Wii with you in the living room! We hope you enjoy our home as much as we do!