Monday, October 22, 2007


I was reading Captivating this morning and the chapter was about how Jesus longs to romance us. The book talked about different ways that Jesus whispers his love for us--summer rain, a good novel, a crisp fall morning. But I was thinking...I think Jesus whispers his love for me through music, just as much as those other things.

As I ruminated on that idea, a song came into my head. A country song from about 4 years ago, Austin. It's about a girl who leaves her lover abruptly, but when she calls him a year later this is what she hears:

If you're calling 'bout the car I sold it
If this is Tuesday night I'm bowling
If you've got something to sell you're wasting your time
I'm not buying
If it's anybody else, wait for the tone, you know what to do
P.S. If this is Austin, I still love you

Seems a bit cheese at first, but then think about it. A year later, the lover still holds out hope that his love will return to him. Isn't that how Jesus is? Doesn't he wait longingly for our return? Doesn't he drop little messages of love for us to find? Even if we don't feel actively pursued, he is still there. His presence is constant, his desire for us unchanging.

Today, I will happily hum Austin as I feel the love of the Lord pursuing me. His love is precious and always readily available to me! How sweet it is to being love by you, Jesus!

1 comment:

mama Ker said...

I love your heart and unwavering faith in the God who loves you so deeply. I still love you.....