There is a short story by Flannery O'Conner called "A Good Man is Hard to Find" and it is a tale of one broken girl's ability to find the worst man possible. It's an awful story tearing at the very dignity of men. While I would say that a good man is a good find, I can't go so far as to say he's hard to find. Or maybe I'm just blessed. I know many a good man, and I am often uplifted by the good young men I see in my classroom. But mostly I'm inspired by my good man.
Last night our pastor spoke about Ephesians 5 and the mystery of a strong Christ centered marriage. I have often heard me referred to as a marriage advocate, as the voice for the positives of marriage. I am serious about my belief in marriage, about my belief that there is no greater relationship that bears witness to God's love for us. Much of that is grounded in my foundation with the Lord, but much of that stems from my spouse. It truly takes two to make a marriage work, and I strongly believe that my husband is a wonderful leader in strengthening our marriage.
In just the past week, I have seen so much of Herb as a good man. Everyday he meets me at the door and lifts my backpack off of my shoulders and gives me a hug. Herb helps bear my physical burdens. When I need to cry he holds me and allows me to grieve. Herb helps tend to my emotional burdens. After he passed the Bar exam and went out to celebrate, he brought home flowers to thank me for my part in his success. Herb recognizes my value in his life. Following church last week he stopped to ask a women who sat at his table the previous week about a point of challenge they'd created as a table. Herb wanted to check up on her spiritual growth. He made us late, but he also tended to the soul of another. He entered into a difficult yet loving conversation with me about how he finds patience with others that I don't have. Herb lovingly challenged me to assume the best in people. He slept with me in an uncomfortable bed just because I'd asked him to spend time with my family. Herb loves me just that much.
I'm not sure if a good man is hard to find, but I know I am extremely blessed to have one in my life. Herb is a good man and he reminds me to see the good in others. He is a man I respect and willingly submit to because I trust him. I trust who he is and who God is creating him to be. Marriage may be hard, but it is worth it to know, to intimately know, a good man.
8 years ago
1 comment:
I hope he knows you wrote this. What a tribute to the amazing man God has gifted you with. Yes, I ended a sentence with "with". twice! :)
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